I'm about number 112,000 on the Amazon best sellers list so there's a ways to go before People Magazine begins to notice----but never say authors don't have moxie or dream big. I've already started to think about how I would cast 'Hidden Legacy' if it ever became a movie.
Inspector Murphy-----Rupert Graves, most recently seen as Inspector Lestrade in 'Sherlock'; also in Doctor Who.
Sam Jacobs/ Holmes --- Diane Lane. Would love to see what she could do with that character. Strong character, strong actress. Robin Weigert----another strong woman who fits the part well. I like the kind of power she projects in her roles.
Sam Jacobs is a nice challenge because she's not the pretty girl, 20-something who's riddled with angst and trying to define her own sexuality, all while trying to find herself while proving how independent she is. Sam Jacobs knows who she is---- and because of that, brings a strength to a 1940's woman that doesn't always come through in other stories. I'm proud of who she is, and I'm really enjoying working with her again in the new Murphy/ Jacobs story.
Murph is more of a puzzlement. I like what Graves brings to the screen when he's in a scene and I think he could make this character really come alive. I know a hundred guys like Murph-- not colorful, not flashy, not dynamic--- just driven in a way that simmers under the surface. And sometimes, he's able to really step up and really stand out. Yet he's also capable of falling into the trap of being so by-the-book, he frustrates Jacobs to no end. A nice dynamic you'll see more of as we go on.
Need suggestions though. How about secondary characters like Ears, Cheshy, Bryson (who, in my mind, reminds me a little of Inspector Fenwick from "Dudley Dooright") and Sykes? I'd like your thoughts.
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